Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

welcome to the pta
Nolan PTA

The purpose of the PTA is to promote the welfare of children and youth in the home, school, community, and place of worship; to raise the standards of home life; to secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth; to bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth; and to develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education


Are You New to Nolan?

Please join us for our New to Nolan meeting where you can learn all the inside info on how to navigate Nolan on your very first day. We share information on car lines, schedules, volunteering, and even Nolan traditions. The New to Nolan meeting is held immediately after the Registration Fair in August each year.  If you are coming in after the school year has started, please reach out to [email protected] so we can offer this information to you personally.  

Contact us!  All PTA correspondence should go through [email protected]

2024-2025 Executive Board President: Tricia Henderson President-Elect: Brittany Styga VP-Membership: Kendall Welder Assistant VP-Membership: Alison Patterson VP-MEF: Marie Lawrence Assistant VP-MEF: Courtney Leon Treasurer: Kelli Fischer Assistant Treasurer: Samantha Ward Recording Secretary: Jana Dobbs Corresponding Secretary: Candace Kelley Past President: Tara Salsman
5th Grade Committee Chair: Kendall Welder

Volunteer With Us! Nolan would not be the incredible educational community that we all love without the involvement of parents and volunteers. Whether you want to work directly with students in the art room, support the work of the PTA on committees, quietly make copies for teachers, or create content at home for our social media, there is a place for you! Follow our dashboard on for an updated list on volunteer needs, and reach out to [email protected] for other ways you can be more involved. 

2024-25 Nolan PTA Meetings and Student Performances:

Meetings at 6:00 p.m.  Cookies & Conversation prior to meetings at 5:30.

  • Tuesday, September 10 ~  Open House                                                                                                   

Students with Last Names A-L (come & go event- 5:15-6 pm)                                            

Brief General PTA Meeting to Approve 2023-2024 PTA Budget (6-6:15 pm)

Students with Last Names M-Z (come & go event- 6:15-7 pm)

  • Tuesday, October 1 ~   Third Grade Performance
  • Tuesday, November 12 ~ Kindergarten Performance
  • Tuesday, December 10 ~ Fifth Grade Performance
  • Tuesday, February 4 ~ First Grade Performance
  • Tuesday, March 4 ~ Second Grade Performance
  • Tuesday, April 1 ~ Fourth Grade Performance with Fifth Grade Choir

5th Grade Coordinator: There are many programs for the Seniors of Nolan—class shirts, talent show, hoe down, etc. Contact: Kendall Welder

Box Tops/Labels/My Coke Rewards: A simple way to earn money for our school is through the Box Tops for Education, General Mills Box Tops 4 Education, Tyson Project A+, and My Coke Rewards programs. Cash and merchandise are awarded to our school simply by redeeming labels and box tops that your family saves from some of your favorite products. Contact: Main Office

Character Assembly Photographer: Group pictures of the character award winners are taken post program. Contact: School Counselors

Classroom Enrichment: Provides enrichment programs for the children by enhancing the curriculum already in place in the regular classroom and in art and music class.  Many of these are provided by and supplemented by the Tennessee Arts Commission. Programs include science, creative writing, history, orchestral music programs, etc., as aligned with grade level learning standards. Contact: Allison Simmons

Homecoming Float Chair: Nolan takes part in the SMMHS Homecoming parade each year.  Contact:

Homeroom Parent Coordinator: Provides a link between the homeroom parent and the PTA. Contact: Candace Kelley Book Buddies Coordinator: Contact Nolan PTA Coupon Books:  Contact: Main Office Grandparents Day: Jenny Perry & Stephanie Parrish

Reflections Art Contest: National PTA programs where students compete in the areas of literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts. Contact: April Jones 

Publicity/Facebook Page: The publicity service handles online communication regarding the promotion of events at Nolan, and highlights the accomplishments of the staff and students at Nolan. For additional school information, and to “like” Nolan, visit our Facebook page.

Scholastic Summer Reading: Students are invited to participate in Scholastic’s reading challenge each summer, with our Top Readers recognized at assembly in the fall. Contact: Main Office

School Beautification: This committee coordinates all existing outside landscaped areas and the creation of new areas.  It also oversees any interior beautification projects. Contact: Emma Young

School Kits: The school kit program provides an option for parents to preorder and have school supplies delivered to Nolan, it is convenient for parents and a fundraiser for the school. Contact: Debra Klein

Signal Mtn. Social Services: Participation in the Welfare Council sponsored coin drive in October and the food drive in December gives our students the opportunity to help families in need on the mountain. Contact: Jessica Brown 

Sportswear: A variety of Nolan sportswear is available for purchase at registration and Open House programs. Contact: Samantha Crow-Chapman

Student Directory: The Nolan directory will be available online in early fall.  It includes all pertinent staff and student information. Contact: Ali Hubner

Teacher Appreciation: To honor and show our appreciation to the Nolan staff, this committee organizes special events throughout the year. Some of these include dinners the first day of school, a Thanksgiving luncheon, a cookie exchange during the holidays, and a week-long celebration in May. Contact: Laura Perrin & Krista Rusaw

Teacher “Happy Cart”: The “Happy Cart” travels the hallways of Nolan once a month to provide teachers with snacks and drinks to show our appreciation for all of their hard work.  Contact Laura Perrin & Krista Rusaw 

Webmaster: The Nolan website, helps keep Nolan parents provided with up-to-date information about Nolan. If you have any questions about the website, email our webmaster, Caleb Rowland here.

Volunteer Coordinator: You can assist the teachers with copying and other workroom needs.  Contact: Alexandria Shumaker




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