Second Grade: A Year of Discovery & Celebration!
Nolan second graders celebrate their new-found independence as readers, writers, and thinkers! Through rich literature and a vast array of non-fiction selections, students explore new topics,research, write and develop how to discuss their learning. Children discover how to engage in mathematical reasoning as they write, draw, and explain their thinking about number sense, place value, operations, money, fractions, geometry and time. Highlights of the year: Learning to write in cursive, Gingerbread House Project, Miss Colleen’sImagination Celebration, Chattanooga Zoo, Nutcracker, FUN book reports, and presentations by The Creative Discovery Museum, and the Signal Mountain Garden Club 4 times a year.
View Tennessee's Standards here.
Grace Cleary
Joined the Nolan faculty in 2008
B.S., Brenau College
Kim Lockery
Joined the Nolan faculty in 2002
B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
M.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Kristin Sharp
Joined the Nolan faculty in 2006
B.A., University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
M.Ed., University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Robin Kelley
Joined the Nolan faculty in 2013
B.S., University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Meg Self
Joined the Nolan faculty in 2013
B.S., Wittenberg University